A Twist of the Blade

A Twist of the Blade S.M. Gaither


A Twist of the Blade (Shadows and Crowns #2)

Mercenary. Survivor. Queen.

Who is Casia Greythorne?

Still reeling from an unimaginable loss and the revelation of an identity she isn’t sure she wants to embrace, Casia has one plan: Try to control something. Something like the strange magic awakening inside of her. Mastering that magic will take her and her friends on a quest through cursed lands, into the dwellings of old gods, and deep into a southern empire filled with deadly foes and unlikely allies.

Meanwhile, the foundations of the Kethran Empire continue to crumble. The king-emperor clings to his crown with increasingly bloodied hands. Monsters and soldiers alike stalk Casia's every step, determined not to let her return to claim a throne that is rightfully hers. Still, the greatest threat to her possible rule may not lie in the king-emperor, but in a former captain of his army—a man that she came dangerously close to falling in love with.

Elander Revenmar thought he knew who he was. He had a mission, a plan, a god he was content to serve. Then came Casia. A woman as mysterious as she is dangerous. One he should have stayed away from, and whose life he never should have saved.

Because salvation always comes with a cost.

And some debts can only be paid for in blood.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (2)

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A Twist of the Blade
A Twist of the Blade


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A Crown of the Gods
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Resenhas para A Twist of the Blade (1)

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on 27/9/21

Possui um ritmo muito mais acelerado do que o primeiro e temos várias respostas de enigmas do primeiro livro. Minha nota não foi tão alta quanto a do primeiro livro, pois acredito que algumas coisas por terem sido muito apressadas não tiveram uma explicação tão boa. Temos um ótimo gancho para o último livro da trilogia e estou curiosa para saber o que irá acontecer. Não estou tão animada assim, porque parece que o último livro terá mais acontecimentos que o segundo e também será mais c... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 9
ranking 33
ranking 56
ranking 11
ranking 0
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cadastrou em:
25/04/2023 20:26:22
editou em:
25/04/2023 20:26:31

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