Fake It Till You Bake It

Fake It Till You Bake It Jamie Wesley


Fake It Till You Bake It

A reality star and a cupcake-baking football player pretend to be a couple in order to save his bakery in this sweet and sexy romance from Jamie Wesley, Fake It Till You Bake It…

Donovan Dell is a football player who likes to bake. Understanding that football won’t last forever, Donovan and two of his teammates opened Sugar Blitz, San Diego’s newest cupcake bakery. But with business not exactly booming, Donovan knows they need to get more people coming into the store. After a heated exchange with a customer who says the store’s décor is stale, he doesn't expect the same bold woman to be the solution to his problem.

Jada Townsend-Matthews is the most reviled woman in America after turning down a proposal on a reality dating show. She comes home to San Diego to lick her wounds and figure out her next move. She never thought she'd end up working at Sugar Blitz alongside the serious, uptight Donovan.

When a reporter mistakenly believes Jada and Donovan are an item, they realize they can use the misunderstanding to their advantage to help the bakery and rehabilitate Jada's image. Faking a relationship should be simple, but real feelings are always the most unexpected ingredient. But when Jada’s reality show past returns for another shot, will she and Donovan take a chance on each other—and at love?

Fake it Till You Bake It is a sweet confection of a novel, the perfect story to curl up with and enjoy with a cupcake on the side.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Fake It Till You Bake It


Resenhas para Fake It Till You Bake It (21)

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Fake It Till You Bake It
on 5/9/23

Ameeeeiiiii, a escrita dessa autora é maravilhosa, quero muito ler os outros livros dela. A Jada foi uma personagem que cresceu muito desde o começo até o final da história, mesmo com as inseguranças conseguiu dar a volta por cima, e achar tanto uma carreira quanto uma pessoa que ela realmente amasse. O Donovan conseguiu entender que nem tudo na vida temos o controle e é bom de vez em quando uma confusão nas nossas vidas. Espero ansiosamente para ler o livro do August.... leia mais


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14/09/2021 22:21:28
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21/07/2022 16:00:45