A Family for the Alien Warrior

A Family for the Alien Warrior Honey Phillip...


A Family for the Alien Warrior (Treasured by the Alien #4)

A grumpy alien warrior. A pregnant librarian. A ready-made family?

Wanda has never hankered after excitement - or romance. A quiet life as a small town librarian suits her just fine. But while she doesn’t need a man, she does want a child. Just as her hard-earned dreams come true, she is abducted by aliens.

Now she’s been abandoned by her captors and assumed responsibility for two orphaned children, a pregnant alien, and a misplaced socialite. When their lifeboat is intercepted by a very large, very green, and disturbingly attractive alien, she isn’t sure if her situation has gotten better or worse.

Knowing that his race is doomed, Mganak has built a peaceful, solitary life for himself. When the lifeboat he salvages turns out not to be deserted after all, he is determined to pass on the responsibility for its inhabitants - no matter how much the curvy little female and her brood arouse his protective instincts.

But Wanda’s alien captors are hot on their trail, his ship is damaged, and the more time he spends with Wanda, the less he wants to let her leave. Could it be that his quiet life is not so perfect after all?

Each book in the Treasured by the Alien series can be read as a standalone romance. This sweet and steamy HEA is intended for mature readers.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Family for the Alien Warrior


(6) ver mais
A Family for the Alien Warrior
A Son for the Alien Warrior
Mama and the Alien Warrior
A Home for the Alien Warrior

Resenhas para A Family for the Alien Warrior (0)

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on 27/9/21

Wanda é uma bibliotecária de cidade pequena, ela está grávida de 4 meses de um doador de esperma, ela vai finalmente ter a família que sempre desejou. Infelizmente ela é sequestrada por um grupo de traficantes de escravos alienígenas. Mganak é um guerreiro Cire, ele encontra uma capsula de fuga no espaço contendo duas mulheres humanas, 2 crianças órfãs e uma alienígena grávida, e vê sua pacata e solitária vida ir "pro beleleleu". Não apenas pelas mulheres e crianças em sua nave, mas... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
25/09/2021 14:20:47
editou em:
25/09/2021 14:21:34