Beloved Fangs

Beloved Fangs Catherine Lievens


Beloved Fangs (Life With Fangs #2)

James is on the run, and as if that isn’t enough of a problem, he needs to find a safe place to shift. He’s a new werewolf, and he’s still not fully in control of his wolf, especially during the full moon. He’s never hurt anyone, and he’s not about to start, but that means chaining himself to a wall, or in this case, to an old sink. And that means leaving himself vulnerable for the night.

Fyfe hates being responsible for the coven, but he doesn’t have a choice. He likes escaping in the last hours of the night, when the rest of the city is asleep.

Only, it’s not asleep tonight.

When Fyfe stumbles onto a man beating up a werewolf, he intervenes. The wolf is chained to the wall and vulnerable, and if there’s one thing Fyfe doesn’t like, it’s people taking advantage of the weak. He kills the assailant and helps the wolf as he shifts back to human. The fact that he takes in the wolf has nothing to do with how cute he thinks James is, of course.

But James is still on the run, and now, Fyfe has someone to protect. Fyfe isn’t easily convinced, though, even when James tells him the conclave is after him. The conclave isn’t going to stop, and they both know it. Is James going to have to keep on running from the conclave, or will he and Fyfe find a way to prove him innocent?

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS

Edições (1)

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Beloved Fangs


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Resenhas para Beloved Fangs (1)

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beloved fangs
on 16/4/22

primeiramente vamos ao fato de que sim, eu pulei o primeiro livro pois me interessei mais pelo segundo, e realmente não fez diferença para o entendimento do livro, esse é aquele tipo de livro que você pega para passar um tempinho, sem levar muito a sério, é curto até, e nem tão desenvolvido, mas gostei, cumpriu o seu objetivo de me distrair e passar meu tempo. 3.5/5 ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
27/10/2021 10:06:43
editou em:
27/10/2021 10:07:07

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