Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor

Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor Xiran Jay Zhao


Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor

Percy Jackson meets Tristan Strong in this hilarious, action-packed middle grade contemporary fantasy that follows a young boy as he journeys across China to seal the underworld shut and save the mortal realm.

Zachary Ying never had many opportunities to learn about his Chinese heritage. His single mom was busy enough making sure they got by, and his schools never taught anything except Western history and myths. So Zack is woefully unprepared when he discovers he was born to host the spirit of the First Emperor of China for a vital mission: sealing the leaking portal to the Chinese underworld before the upcoming Ghost Month blows it wide open.

The mission takes an immediate wrong turn when the First Emperor botches his attempt to possess Zack’s body and binds to Zack’s AR gaming headset instead, leading to a battle where Zack’s mom’s soul gets taken by demons. Now, with one of history’s most infamous tyrants yapping in his headset, Zack must journey across China to heist magical artifacts and defeat figures from history and myth, all while learning to wield the emperor’s incredible water dragon powers.

And if Zack can’t finish the mission in time, the spirits of the underworld will flood into the mortal realm, and he could lose his mom forever.

Aventura / Fantasia / Ficção científica / Infantojuvenil / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira

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Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor


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Viúva de Ferro
Zachary Ying e o Imperador Dragão

Resenhas para Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor (6)

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zachary ying tem como proposta ser um "percy jackson encontra yu-gi-oh" e é EXATAMENTE isso que nos é entregue. o livro é um middle grade divertidissimo, com essa energia de percy jackson e ao mesmo tempo me ensinou mais sobre a história da china do que 3 anos de ensino médio. o zach é adorável, um ótimo condutor da história, o crushzinho que ele tem no simon é muito fofete. e xiran se mostrou extremamente versátil aqui, pois nunca imaginaria que a mesma mente que saiu viúva de ferro, ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 30
ranking 40
ranking 47
ranking 13
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cadastrou em:
31/10/2021 23:28:53
editou em:
23/12/2021 11:16:19

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