The Hacker

The Hacker Anna Hackett


The Hacker (Norcross Security #5)

She’s accidentally pregnant and someone is trying to kill her…and now her one-night-stand is her fierce protector.

Helicopter pilot Maggie Lopez is focused on building her helicopter and drone photography business—and she has the loans to prove it. She takes one night off to trade her jeans for a designer dress, and attend a fancy gala…and ends up spending a very steamy night with her panty-melting crush—Ace Oliveira. He’s tall, sexy, and the guru of all things tech at Norcross Security.

She wasn’t supposed to fall in lust, or fall in love, and she really wasn’t supposed to fall pregnant.

Ace Oliveira’s life is just how he likes it. After years protecting his country at the NSA, he now puts his special computer and hacking skills to good use at Norcross Security. He gets paid well. Has good friends. Enjoys the hell out of his carefree bachelor lifestyle. Relationships and kids are not on the cards for him—ever. He has his reasons.

But then feisty, saucy Maggie—who snuck out of his bed like a thief—drops a bombshell.

Before they can even process the surprise pregnancy, it becomes clear someone is trying to kill Maggie. A series of deadly accidents are all centered on her, and Ace will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. With the men of Norcross at his side, he’ll track down a killer, fight his own demons, and convince skittish, independent Maggie to fall in love with her baby’s daddy.

***Each book in this action-packed romance series can be read as a standalone.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Hacker


(16) ver mais
The Detective
The Investigator
The Specialist
The Bodyguard

Resenhas para The Hacker (4)

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on 17/11/22

Esse é o quinto livro dessa série. Estou achando essa série muito boa, tem investigação, ação, um pouco de suspense e romance. Neste livro temos Maggie que é a piloto de helicóptero da empresa Norcross. Ela alimenta uma paixão secreta por Ace Oliveira, um hacker, que trabalha na Norcross security. Uma noite, em um baile, a paixão acaba explodindo e um tempo depois Maggie descobre que está grávida, assim como ela acaba virando alvo de um assassino. Ace irá protegê-la mesmo que seja com ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
19/01/2022 08:27:12
editou em:
31/07/2022 13:32:37

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