Barbarian Alien

Barbarian Alien Ruby Dixon


Barbarian Alien (Ice Planet Barbarians #2)

The second novel in the Ice Planet Barbarians series, the international publishing phenomenon--now in a special print edition with bonus materials and an exclusive epilogue!

Liz Cramer swears she'll find a way off of this alien planet she's stuck on--then she meets Raahosh, the surliest and stubbornest alien, who won't leave her alone, and she just might be okay with that...

Twelve humans are left stranded on a wintry alien planet. I'm one of them. Yay, me.
In order to survive, we have to take on a symbiont that wants to rewire our bodies to live in this brutal place. I like to call it a "cootie." And my cootie's a jerk, because it also thinks I'm the mate to the biggest, grumpiest alien of the group. Raahosh believes the cootie's right, so he steals me away from the group, determined to make me fall for him--or else.

He has no idea who he's up against.

And if I didn't want his insufferable self so much (thanks, cootie), I'd let him know exactly what I'm thinking. As it is, I'm doing my best to fight this instant attraction. Just because the symbiont thinks we're supposed to be together doesn't mean I have to go along with it. And if we fool around a little, it's merely biology. It doesn't mean I'm in love--or that I'm destined to be his.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Barbarian Alien


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Thanks @berkleyromance & @this_is_edelweiss for this ARC A série Ice Planet Barbarians se tornou muito minha leitura de conforto. Nesse segundo livro, vamos continuar a acompanhar o relacionamento entre humanos e aliens azuis, dessa vez com Liz e Raashosh Liz é bastante impulsiva, teimosa, cabeça-dura, um tanto mal-humorada, corajosa, mas no fundo ela também está assustada com tudo o que está acontecendo desde que foi raptada pelos aliens que ela chama de Pequenos Homens Verdes. ... leia mais


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Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
cadastrou em:
22/01/2022 15:24:23
Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
editou em:
22/01/2022 15:24:50