
Detour Jay Crownover


Detour (Getaway #5)

Sometimes it's the unexpected detour that life throws your way that ends up taking you exactly where you were meant to be.

Wyatt Bryant is all kinds of broken.

Wyatt never planned to end up in the middle of nowhere. He was a big city guy, used to bright lights and constant noise. He needed both those things to distract him from the ugly memories of his past and the loneliness he couldn’t seem to shake. Now, he is bound for the back roads of Wyoming because his younger brother is beyond worried about him. He's headed for a quiet place to heal and search for some uninterrupted serenity to figure out what he's going to do with the rest of his life. Wyatt never expected to live his life in the slow lane, and he really didn't see the breathless attraction to a small-town sheriff coming.

Rodie Collins is all kinds of conflicted.

Rodie had long since grown used to the snail's pace of life in Sheridan, Wyoming. He was accustomed to the gossip and malicious grapevine that was common in all small towns. Cruel words and judgmental looks followed him throughout his childhood and made him overly cautious as an adult. He had it easy keeping the peace in Sheridan most days, at least until Wyatt showed up. Rodie couldn’t hide his attraction to the sexy former special agent, and there was something about the city slicker that made him want to throw caution to the wind. Rodie loves his job and his hometown, but he may have to pick between what he's always known and Wyatt when push comes to shove and long-held secrets come to light.

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Resenhas para Detour (1)

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on 29/11/22

Rodie é o xerife da pequena cidade de Sheridan, e Wyatt está em Sheridan para se recuperar de um ataque que sofreu quando estava em missão como um agente condecorado da DEA ... Rodie sempre foi discreto sobre sua preferência por homens, com a chegada de Wyatt ele não consegue disfarçar seu interesse, e Wyatt ao descobrir que o xerife Rodie está totalmente interessado nele, não consegue ficar imune. Wyatt não deseja ser o segredo sujo de Rodie e Rodie não sabe como a população de Sherid... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
03/08/2022 23:27:40
editou em:
03/08/2022 23:27:51

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