Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu 9

Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu 9 Izumi Miyazono


Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu 9 #9

Everyone's Getting Married

Opposites attract—but should they get married?!

Successful career woman Asuka Takanashi has an old-fashioned dream of getting married and becoming a housewife. After her long-term boyfriend breaks up with her to pursue his own career goals, she encounters popular newscaster Ryu Nanami. Asuka and Ryu get along well, but the last thing he wants is to ever get married. This levelheaded pair who want the opposite things in life should never get involved, except…

Successful career woman Asuka Takanashi has an old-fashioned dream of getting married and becoming a housewife, but popular TV newscaster Ryu Nanami would rather die than ever get married. Asuka doesn’t want to get in the way of Ryu pursuing his career abroad, so she has ended their long-distance relationship. With their lives on different paths, is this loving couple destined to remain apart?

Drama / HQ, comics, mangá / Romance

Edições (1)

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Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu 9


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Totsuzen desu ga ashita kekkon shimasu #02
Totsuzen desu ga ashita kekkon shimasu #03
Totsuzen desu ga ashita kekkon shimasu #01
Totsuzen Desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu

Resenhas para Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu 9 (0)

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on 14/10/23

Chegamos ao final desta série de 9 volumes, e não posso dizer que amei. Senti que este casal sempre teve quimica e o amor era real, mas a aversão de Ryu ao casamento era um pouco demais visto o que ele sentia por Asuka. Deixaram o melhor para o último volume, mas não posso deixar de dizer que achei um pouco confuso. Mal percebia quando o Ryu estava ou não no Japão, e o facto de ter demorado anos para que ele percebesse o que realmente queria, foi negativo, a meu ver. Contudo o capitulo... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
20/11/2022 17:16:14
Carol @solemgemeos15
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20/11/2022 17:16:44

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