One Last Shot

One Last Shot Julia Connors


One Last Shot (Frozen Hearts Series #3)

A Second Chance Sports Romance

Aleksandr Ivanov was my person. We helped each other through the worst of our childhoods. I thought we were meant for each other; then he ghosted me.

That’s when I learned that the only person I can count on is me.

Fourteen years later, the NHL superstar reappears in my life with an outrageous request: pretend to be his wife and help him adopt his orphaned niece, Stella. The twist? Apparently we’ve been married since I was sixteen.

I can’t commit to the relationship he’s asking for, but when I accidentally screw up his childcare arrangement before he leaves for the Stanley Cup playoffs, I end up as Stella's nanny for a couple weeks.

I shouldn’t put my life on hold to help him. I shouldn’t fall hard for his precocious niece. And I definitely shouldn’t let him into my bed, or more importantly, into my heart. Because if I do those things, I might start wanting things I can’t have.

There is no happy ending for us: I’ve got a company to run, and a contract to start filming a television show in Los Angeles. He can’t leave New York, and staying with Aleksandr would mean giving up everything I’ve worked so hard for.

Most importantly, I can’t put my very fragile heart right back into the hands of the one person who already destroyed it.

Esportes / Línguas Estrangeiras / Romance

Edições (2)

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One Last Shot
One Last Shot


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Livro ótimo, capa horrível
on 15/7/23

Eu realmente esperei que esse livro fosse uma farofa, mas a autora trouxe discussões e abordagens bem reais. Desde a diferença de relação com uma pessoa quando a gente é mais novo, até nossas expectativas e dificuldade de desistir de sonhos que já não fazem mais sentido pra quem somos. Mais que tudo, achei bem humano, mocinha bem girl power.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
05/12/2022 01:53:29
editou em:
29/06/2023 04:27:26

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