Trouble in Taco Town

Trouble in Taco Town Jordan Castillo Price


Trouble in Taco Town (The ABCs of Spellcraft #2)

When Dixon and Yuri head for Taco Town, they’re hoping to track down Uncle Fonzo. What they find instead is a fiasco. Is it sabotage? A curse? Or is it just a bunch of badly worded Spellcraft?

The small Minnesota berg is a tourist destination featuring a memorable roadside attraction: The Big Taco. It’s not actually edible, but there’s a flock of birds passing through that never got the memo.

One thing’s for sure, Fonzo has been there. Not only do plenty of folks recognize his photo, but they paid him to solve certain problems…all of which are now exponentially worse. Dixon wants to chalk it up to a run of bad luck. Yuri knows a con man when he sees one, and while he doesn’t relish the thought of destroying Dixon’s hero, he wouldn’t mind knocking the guy down a few pegs.

But there’s definitely something screwy about the Spellcraft they uncover. And they’d better figure out how to repair it before the Big Taco is reduced to crumbs—and with it, the livelihood of all their new friends.

The ABCs of Spellcraft is a series filled with bad jokes and good magic, where MM Romance meets Paranormal Cozy. A perky hero, a brooding love interest, and delightfully twisty-turny stories that never end up quite where you’d expect. The books are best read in order, so be sure to start at the beginning with Quill Me Now.

Esoterismo / LGBT / GLS / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Trouble in Taco Town


(14) ver mais
Quill Me Now (The ABCs of Spellcraft Book 1) (English Edition)
Something Stinks at the Spa (The ABCs of Spellcraft Book 3) (English Edition)
Last But Not Lease (The ABCs of Spellcraft Book 5) (English Edition)
Brownie Points (The ABCs of Spellcraft Book 9) (English Edition)

Resenhas para Trouble in Taco Town (1)

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on 31/12/22

Seguimos Yuri e Dixon até uma cidadezinha procurando o tio Fonzo e o que encontramos é uma grande confusão provocada por spellcrafts. Com capítulos onde ora é contado da perspectiva de Yuri, ora de Dixon, ficamos sabendo o que cada um pensa. Leve e engraçadinho, muito fácil de ler. Recomendo... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
25/12/2022 16:34:19
editou em:
25/12/2022 16:34:38

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