The Maid

The Maid's Diary Loreth Anne White


The Maid's Diary

A cunning, twisty, and unsettling novel of psychological suspense with a startling conclusion by Loreth Anne White, the Amazon Charts and Washington Post bestselling author of The Patient's Secret.

Kit Darling is a maid with a snooping problem. She's the "invisible girl," compelled to poke into her wealthy clients' closely guarded lives. It's a harmless hobby until Kit sees something she can't unsee in the home of her brand-new clients: a secret so dark it could destroy the privileged couple expecting their first child. This makes Kit dangerous to the couple. In turn, it makes the couple--who might kill to keep their secret--dangerous to Kit.

When homicide cop Mallory Van Alst is called to a scene at a luxury waterfront home known as the Glass House, she's confronted with evidence of a violent attack so bloody it's improbable the victim is alive. But there's no body. The homeowners are gone. And their maid is missing. The only witness is the elderly woman next door, who woke to screams in the night. The neighbor was also the last person to see Kit Darling alive.

As Mal begins to uncover the secret that has sent the lives of everyone involved on a devious and inescapable collision course, she realizes that nothing is quite as it seems. And no one escapes their past.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Maid


(2) ver mais
The Patient
O diário da empregada

Resenhas para The Maid's Diary (3)

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Kit darling é uma mulher filha de imigrantes que trabalha limpando as casas das pessoas. Sua profissão proporciona que ela seja praticamente uma garota invisível e com isso ela ama vasculhar as casas de seus clientes. Ela tem um grande problema com isso ela é viciada em espionar seus clientes. Seu melhor amigo sempre alerta ela que um dia ela ainda vai achar alguma coisa que vai colocar sua vida em perigo. Kit não escuta seu amigo e continua vasculhando tudo. Até que um dia el... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 13
ranking 54
ranking 31
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ranking 15
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cadastrou em:
04/01/2023 12:18:34
editou em:
04/01/2023 12:18:52

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