The Tracker Hive Academy

The Tracker Hive Academy Avery Song


The Tracker Hive Academy (Jade Storm Tracker Series #2)

Semester Two

With far more questions than answers, it seems like the enemy has us exactly where they want us — back at square one.

The road to recovery is a tough one, at least for me. I survived a murder attempt, but now I’m stuck in the not-so-cozy medical room at Tracker Hive Academy. With a target on my head and the suspect in hiding once again, we're left with no answers, leads, or ways to fix the damages that linger in my mental space.

The goal is to keep me emotionally stable, calm enough to keep my eight elements under control. Everyone says I need to rest and endure a medication plan of the nastiest pills in the world, which is making my recovery all the more miserable. And the cherry on top of that horrible sundae? My four sexy Maxwell brothers have been ordered to stay far away from me.

Whoever is playing these games wants me to feel like a lone wolf. But they continue to forget that I was alone for a long time, and I can handle it, especially with my Shadow and seven other elements. As a Hive Queen, I know distance means nothing. What I fear is the voice in my nightmares. The voice that wants me to join him — to be on his side and allow him to give me everything I desire.

Can I recover and get the revenge I so richly deserve? Maybe not, but with Zeke, Zion, Zackery, and Zeus on my side, there's nothing I want more than to heal and enjoy life with them — and I guess Calvin can tag along.

Game on.

NOTE FROM AUTHOR: This is a NEW version of the original Tracker Hive 2. Due to my dissatisfaction with the previous book, I've made the executive decision to rewrite it. There will be 6-10 new chapters mixed in with old content. Thank you for supporting my desire to change and make this story even better than before.

- Avery S.


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The Tracker Hive Academy



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Segatto's Readings / Hoda Literário
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05/07/2023 08:46:41
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05/07/2023 08:54:07

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