The Flame King

The Flame King's Captive Chloe Chastaine...


The Flame King's Captive (Fire and Desire #1)

He snatched me from the jaws of death for one reason—to be his.

I was a dead king’s sacrificial bride, until his murderer claimed me as his. Zabriel invaded my country of Maledin on the back of a monstrous, fire-breathing dragon and took me prisoner.

The lethal Zabriel towers over me in steel plate armor, and he could easily crush the life out of me—but the Flame King isn’t interested in harming me. Instead, he destroys everyone who has hurt me in a storm of fire and vengeance.

There’s malignant rot deep within my country. My family has vanished along with whole villages of people. As I desperately try to find those who are missing, my body and heart awaken under a powerful and alarming force.

Zabriel sets my soul ablaze every time he growls, “Mine.” He calls me his fated mate. The rarest. The most vulnerable. The one he craves to possess and protect.

When evil forces in Maledin threaten everyone I know and love, there’s only one person who is strong enough to help me defeat them, and the only place where I’m safe from an ancient foe is in the arms of the Flame King.

Author’s note: The Flame King’s Captive is a slow-burn non-shifter MF o'verse romance set in a fantasy world of magic and dragonriders. Zabriel is a jealous and possessive hero, and Isavelle is a strong but sweet innocent heroine. This is the first book in the Fire and Desire trilogy and ends on a cliffhanger.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Flame King


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Fear Me, Love Me
Of Wings and Briars

Resenhas para The Flame King's Captive (3)

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Eu só queria o Zabriel para mim ?????
on 10/8/23

Eu gostei bastante do livro, muito bem escrito! Eu comecei a ler já sabendo que ia ser slow burn, mas meu pai como demora, para terem uma ideia, a Isavelle só começa a aceitar o lado omega entorno dos 70% do livro, e é nessa parte que ela começa a ser mais "proativa" na relação com o Zabriel. O que me deixou insanamente frustrada é a relutância em aceitar o Zabriel, olha, eu entendo que ela foi traída e torturada por homens então ela tem um pé atrás com eles, mas mesmo quando o ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/07/2023 19:33:40
editou em:
18/07/2023 19:34:10

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