Trick or Orc

Trick or Orc S.J. Sanders


Trick or Orc (A Monsterly Yours Romance #7)

Kassie Edwards—When a messy divorce, an absentee father who can’t even bother to call, and small-town gossip leaves my kids hurting, I decide that it’s time for a fresh start. Armed with our few possessions and limited savings, we move across realms to help out at my—until recently fellow-divorcee—best friend’s new cafe, The Spiced Pumpkin, just in time for the Halloween season. Ghostly goblins may have it in for me this time as everyone prepares for the greatest festival the village has ever seen. Pumpkin patches, carnivals and a goblins ball are a delight, and I’m tempted to trust my heart again by an Orc whose confections are only as sweet as his heart.
Garval Ironclaw---Ever since the last harvest festival, I haven’t been able to get a certain female out of my mind. Even now that I’ve hung up my battle axe in exchange for the warm comforts of a cozy kitchen in my own bakery inside of The Spiced Pumpkin. Co-owning this little establishment is a dream come true for this giant of an orc, but what I truly yearn for is the female I haven’t forgotten. The same female who is now working in the kitchen across from me. I can’t seem to stay away even when I know I should. And with the human festivities of All Hallows Eve bleeding into our quiet village, merging with our own traditions of Hallow Night, I’m eager to cook up a few memorable treats. I’m not such a fool that I cannot see that no sweet can compare to the lips of the female I wish to make my mate.

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Trick or Orc


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Garval e Kassie
on 9/10/23

Assim como o anterior posso dizer que este livro é extremamente fofo e leve, achei fofo o Garval todo timido perto da Kassie mas quando descobriu que poderia a cortejar sem qualquer problema fez de tudo para fazer com que ela o visse e se sentisse atraida pelo mesmo, um dos meus casais favoritos sem duvidas, Garval aceitou todos os filhos de Kassie como se fossem seus e posso dizer que isso diz muito sobre ele.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
11/09/2023 22:03:11
editou em:
11/09/2023 22:03:31

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