
Broadchurch Erin Kelly


Broadchurch ##2.1-2.8

The Official Short Story Collection Series 2

This is the official collection of the original short stories that were released after each episode of Broadchurch: Series Two. Containing completely new material not available anywhere else, this is a must-read for all fans of the show.

The stories, written by bestselling author Erin Kelly in close collaboration with Broadchurch creator Chris Chibnall consist of 100% original plotlines that were tied closely to each episode. They offer an unrivalled opportunity to spend more time with the characters, allowing you to delve deeper into their lives, histories and secrets in order to find out what really makes them tick.

This first-time creative collaboration between author and series creator will enhance your enjoyment of the TV series in a completely ground-breaking style.

Series 2 Episode 1. Broadchurch: The End Is Where It Begins
Set before the courtroom drama of the first television episode, the short story focuses on Ellie Miller and how she’s coping since the last series events.

Series 2 Episode 2. Broadchurch: The Letter
On the day before the trial, the journalist Maggie Radcliffe writes her resignation letter, after fifteen years as editor of the Broadchurch Echo.

Series 2 Episode 3. Broadchurch: Old Friends
The third Broadchurch story focuses in the past of Jacqueline Knight, her work in London and her relationship with her mother.

Series 2 Episode 4. Broadchurch: Over the Side
The story focuses on Alec Hardy's life at the beginning of the Sandbrook case, told through the eyes of his then wife Tess.

Series 2 Episode 5. Broadchurch: Protection
The story focus on Sharon Bishop, the hardnosed defense lawyer, and provides a nice look at her personal life and the troubles she's experiencing with her son Jonah who is in prison.

Series 2 Episode 6. Broadchurch: One More Secret
The short story shows how Beth Latimer is coping with the death of her son Danny; a newborn baby; the loss of her mum Liz; Mark's unfaithfulness and the trial of Danny's killer.

Series 2 Episode 7. Broadchurch: The Leaving of Claire Ripley
The latest Broadchurch short story, from Erin Kelly, focuses on the intriguing character of Claire Ripley and is set in her home town of Caerphilly in Wales shortly before she moved to South Mercia and met her husband Lee Ashworth.

Series 2 Episode 8. Broadchurch: Thirteen Hours
The final story focuses on Broadchurch's unlikely hero Alec Hardy. The story is set the day before the body of young Danny Latimer is found on the beach and centres around a typical day in the life of the careworn cop.

Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

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cadastrou em:
05/10/2023 18:24:18
editou em:
05/10/2023 18:24:51

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