Mistletoe Mates

Mistletoe Mates Sedona Ashe


Mistletoe Mates

A Candi Cane Holiday

My name’s Candi Cane and every eligible male in my pack is looking to get a lick this year.
I’d rather die.

Let’s have a Christmas hunt, they said.
It will be fun, they said.
What ‘they’ didn’t say was who they planned to hunt... or what the prize would be.
Oh yeah, that would be me on both accounts.

By ‘they’ I mean my father, Alpha of the Evergreen pack. He’s taken things too far this Christmas Eve. My pack is obsessed with Christmas. Humans come from all over to see our Christmas village with no idea they’re celebrating with werewolves.

None of the Evergreen wolves are my fated mates, so naturally, I turn tail and run… right into the arms of the, erm, Anti-Christmas leader of the Brimstone pack, Alpha Coal. He’s not known for his love of people. Who can blame him, though?
The moon goddess must have a twisted sense of humor… because it turns out he’s my fated mate.
…And so is his beta.
…And his third in command.

Just when I think things couldn’t get worse, my attempt to shimmy down a chimney winds up with me stuck. How the heck does Santa do this? With wolves hunting me, three fated mates who hate Christmas, and my life falling apart, I’m not sure I can handle the secret that is about to be dropped on me… it just might be a Christmas Miracle.

Mistletoe Mates is a 35k word Novella standalone with a happy ending.

Please Note- Candi dealt with bullying (mainly when she was growing up), and some of that is discussed in this novella (there are references to her bully’s treatment of her, and a scene where she recalls some of her past). There is no bullying from her fated mates! This book features spice and the kind of hardwood that doesn’t need to be set on fire to heat you up on a cold winter evening… if you catch my drift. *wink*

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Mistletoe Mates


Resenhas para Mistletoe Mates (3)

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on 27/12/23

Não estou muito acostumada a ler histórias que envolvem lobos e matilhas, mas essa me surpreendeu! Embora não tenha tido um desenvolvimento maior e um aprofundamento nas personagens, a história em si foi muito bacana de ler, teve hot, teve plot, teve caras gostosos virando lobos e uma protagonista que é ao mesmo tempo fofa e forte. Recomendo ?... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/12/2023 15:00:25
editou em:
26/12/2023 15:00:42

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