The Single Mom and the Orc

The Single Mom and the Orc Honey Phillips


The Single Mom and the Orc (Sweet Monster Treats)

Her grumpy orc is going to hammer his way into her heart!

When Pippa finds herself in Fairhaven Falls with empty pockets and a brand new baby, she’s thrilled when a sweet - and slightly scary - old lady offers her a job and a place to live. Their new home isn’t much, but it offers a desperately needed shelter.

Then her grumpy orc neighbor comes charging into their lives. She should be wary of the huge male, but when she watches him handling his hammer, fear is the last thing she feels. And when he cradles her daughter so tenderly against that big muscular chest? Her heart isn't the only thing melting!

Trogar likes his own company just fine, thank you very much. When his grandmother insists he help out his new neighbor, he reluctantly agrees. But the more time he spends with the curvy human and her adorable daughter, the more he wants to claim them both as his own.

When Pippa’s past catches up with her, can Trogar keep her and her daughter safe? And when the dust settles, will he have a new family - or the solitary life he no longer wants?

Sweet Monster Treats

The Single Mom and the Orc is a sweet and steamy monster romance that is part of the Sweet Monster Treats collection. Each book is a standalone, containing its own Happily Ever After, and they can be read in any order. Be sure to explore the other titles in the collection:

Single Orc Dad by Ava Ross

Cookies for My Orc Neighbor by Michele Mills

Twins for the Wild Orc by Michele Mills

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The Single Mom and the Orc


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2 weeks, 3 days ago

Gostei um pouco da história, os personagens são legais, principalmente a Daisy, é adorável quando tem criança na história, mas não foi muito envolvente, é caminho e rápido, adoraria qie tivesse tido mais detalhes.... leia mais


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Danielle M Tostes
cadastrou em:
01/01/2024 17:28:17
Danielle M Tostes
editou em:
01/01/2024 17:29:12

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