Untold Restraint

Untold Restraint Elena Dawne


Untold Restraint (Filthy Rich & Kinky #3)

Life is hard... Huh! You know what's hard?

— My d*ck when my father's ex-wife gets within ten feet of me.
— Not being able to get one foot closer.
— Hiding my unrelenting infatuation so I can keep her safe.
— Being nearly 100% sure I'm my little brother's biological dad.
— Wanting to make him more brothers when I'm bound by my father's ingenious and deadly restraining order.

That man literally used my woman to make me kneel,
And he will rue the f*cking day...


This smutty second chance romance is a full-length novel — a dark and twisted tale of one man's crusade to reclaim the family he's been forced to love from afar.
The rules were made to break him, but they only pissed him off.
His hands have been tied so long, he's got scars from the binds, and this obsessed, morally gray, long-distance dom refuses to comply a moment longer than necessary. He has villainous plans of his own, and he will not rest until he's provided his first and only love with the life he promised her.
This story has multiple explicit sex scenes and is intended for adults.

** Please check your kinks and triggers...
Kinks: stalking, voyeurism, breeding, bondage, toys, some rough stuff, a little backdoor stimulation, size difference, and a splash of lactation.

Triggers: possiblyany of the above kinks, swearing, and violence — including potentially confronting imagery around physical and sexual assault.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Untold Restraint


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Kira Corazon Grant
on 6/3/24

?"Bebês felizes são feitos com amor." ?"Estamos em conluio, ela e eu. Somos nós contra o mundo, e estou honrado e encorajado por sua lealdade. É a primeira vez que sinto esperança em relação ao meu futuro." ?"E se tivermos uma criança cientista de foguetes, Kira? E se o nosso amor chegar à 🤬 #$%!& da lua? Eu te amo muito." ?"Mamãe diz que os erros são uma oportunidade de aprender e crescer, então talvez agora que você está mais velho e mais inteligente, você possa compensar... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 13
ranking 50
ranking 8
ranking 33
ranking 8
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
05/01/2024 15:38:53
editou em:
05/01/2024 15:39:13

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