Enter the Multi-Vers

Enter the Multi-Vers C. Rochelle


Enter the Multi-Vers (The Villainous Things #4)


Theo Coatl was supposed to be just a job.

On paper, my twin and I are recent grads moving into the eccentric artist’s mansion for a once-in-a-lifetime internship opportunity.

In reality, Dre and I are spies for our clan—a pair of supes known as Shock and Awe who could melt our enemy’s brain as easily as we could extract the intel we were after.

Whatever works.

But our mark isn’t the only one keeping secrets, and Theo’s proximity is… doing things to me. This man could fulfill every dark desire I’ve buried beneath the surface. Things even my twin doesn’t know I crave.

Too bad exploring my fantasies isn’t part of the plan.


Gabe and I may have been sent to this hideous McMansion on a mission, but the instant Theo Coatl sashayed into view, our plans changed.

At least, mine did.

Wolfy’s original instructions were clear—get in Theo’s head, get the intel, and get out. But I took our eldest brother’s words as more of a suggestion than anything.

And my idea is better.

Because I see the way Theo looks at my twin—like he wants to eat him alive. Never mind that the man is a potentially deadly being of unknown origins, or that I want to discipline him so badly I can taste it.

Gabe is the bait.

Theo is our prey.

And if I get to play with the brat before we end him, well, what could be the harm in that?


It had been so long since I’d enjoyed a proper hunt, I was nearly giddy with excitement.

And what delightful prey I’ve found!

The twins are perfect. Broody angel Gabriel is pretending to resist my advances, while practically begging me to take what I want. And Andre is playing his cards close with absolute control—which only encourages me to defy him more.

As there’s nothing I love more than misbehaving.

I do have an agenda here on earth, however—one my interns can legitimately assist me with.

So, while I can’t wait to make a pretty pair of puppets out of these unsuspecting humans, I’ve decided to at least try to lure them in slowly. Really savor the experience.

Since it will be the death of them in the end.

Enter the Multi-Vers is an MMM romance between a pair of villains and an alien chaos gremlin in a skinsuit. Our men find other men in tight supersuits incredibly attractive. Sometimes, they keep these supersuits on while engaging in explicit extracurricular activities with each other (and sometimes they even use bad words!). This is not your kid’s superhero book. This is Sin City and The Boys having a love child with extra spicy Spideypool and is meant for 18+ adults who can handle such things. The Villainous Things series contains standalone books (each with HEAs) that feature interconnected characters and an overarching plot. You should read them in order (starting with Not All Himbos Wear Capes).


Edições (1)

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Enter the Multi-Vers


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Not All Himbos Wear Capes
Gentlemen Prefer Villains
Putting Out for a Hero

Resenhas para Enter the Multi-Vers (1)

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on 13/4/24

QUE LIVRO INCRÍVEL!!! Tenho que confessar que não achava que ia ser essas coisas toda, mas foi. Foi melhor do que eu esperava. O trisal é PERFEITO. Tem A química de milhões ??? Mas, eu fiquei meia nervosa de como seria a relação dos gêmeos nesse livro, mas foi maravilhoso. O melhor foi os plots... Quando eu achava que tinha descoberto tudo, aí vinha outra reviravolta e me dava um tapa na cara. Simplesmente perfeito. Depois do livro do Wolfy, eu achava que nenhum dos outros poderi... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
10/01/2024 16:54:47
editou em:
10/01/2024 16:55:26