Amidst Secrets and Shadows

Amidst Secrets and Shadows Stacy Jones...


Amidst Secrets and Shadows (A Court of Gilt and Shadow #3)

Survival. Secrets. Shadows.

Faery is more beautiful and otherworldly than Arawyn ever imagined, but there’s a growing darkness in this land of magic and monsters…

After years of suffering under the cruel reign of brutal usurpers, what’s left of this realm is dark and twisted. Arawyn’s people and her land are hurting, but everything in her tells her she can save them if only she can tame her wild magic.

Taking refuge in the ruins of her father’s Kingdom, she trains under the intense instruction of Dommik, her crazed ex-assassin. As her power blossoms, so do her feelings for the darkly psychotic man. Every time he looks at her, his eyes burn with heat, igniting an answering fire within her.

But when Rathe is summoned to face the King along with Fear and Viper, she’s thrust into the wicked world of the Fae to face her enemies before she’s ready. Hidden in plain sight as Rathe’s slave, she’s left to traverse the intricacies of a Court she doesn’t understand.

One misstep will endanger not just herself, but her men.

Can she keep her identity a secret, or will the threats surrounding them force her to expose her power, spelling the end for them all?

From bestselling authors, Stacy Jones and Harper Wylde, comes the third book in the darkly seductive new series, A Court of Gilt and Shadow, blending romance, danger, and the supernatural into an unforgettable read.

Aventura / Erótico / Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Amidst Secrets and Shadows


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Within Obsession and Lies
Through Illusions and Deceit


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Segatto's Readings / Hoda Literário
cadastrou em:
17/03/2024 11:21:59
Segatto's Readings / Hoda Literário
editou em:
17/03/2024 11:22:14

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