A Duke of One

A Duke of One's Own Emma Orchard


A Duke of One's Own

Lady Georgiana Pendlebury is no stranger to breaking the rules of polite society. But when a so-called ‘friend’ invites her to a clandestine party, Georgiana is shocked to discover the event is more scandalous than even she could have imagined. So when a mysterious stranger offers help, she accepts, not realising their encounter will turn her life upside down.

Later that summer, Georgiana is invited to attend a house party at an infamous castle in Yorkshire. The gathering is a loosely veiled effort to arrange a marriage for the Duke of Northriding, who desperately needs an heir. Duke Gabriel Mauleverer has a terrible reputation as a rake, and Georgiana is happy to be a guest purely for the entertainment, but upon arrival, she is shocked to discover that the Duke is none other than the stranger who rescued her weeks earlier.

As the other ladies vie for the Duke’s attention, Georgiana is desperate to avoid their shocking secret getting out. But she finds herself caught, unable to avoid Gabriel’s gaze. Are they a threat to each other? Or could they be the answer to each other’s greatest desires?


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A Duke of One


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1 day, 5 hours ago

Está longe de ser um livro ruim, mas também está longe de ser um livro memorável; acho que não estou muito na minha época de livros de regency romance. Falta um pouco de atitude em A Duke of Ones Own para que ele se destaque na multidão, os personagens são okay e o romance é fofo, mas não é algo que vou lembrar daqui alguns meses. Obrigada ao NetGalley e a editora pelo envio da arc em troca de uma resenha honesta.... leia mais


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Mirella | @readingmirella
cadastrou em:
22/04/2024 18:29:45
Mirella | @readingmirella
editou em:
22/04/2024 18:30:04

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