The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents

The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents Terry Pratchett


The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents

One rat, popping up here and there, squeaking loudly, and taking a bath in the cream, could be a plague all by himself. After a few days of this, it was amazing how glad people were to see the kid with his magical rat pipe. And they were amazing when the rats followed hint out of town.

They'd have been really amazed if they'd ever found out that the rats and the piper met up with a cat somewhere outside of town and solemnly counted out the money.

The Amazing Maurice runs the perfect Pied Piper scam. This streetwise alley cat knows the value of cold, hard cash and can talk his way into and out of anything. But when Maurice and his cohorts decide to con the town of Bad Blinitz, it will take more than fast talking to survive the danger that awaits. For this is a town where food is scarce and rats are hated, where cellars are lined with deadly traps, and where a terrifying evil lurks beneath the hunger-stricken streets....

Set in Terry Pratchett's widely popular Discworld, this masterfully crafted, gripping read is both compelling and funny. When one of the world's most acclaimed fantasy writers turns a classic fairy tale on its head, no one will ever look at the Pied Piper -- or rats -- the same way again!

Fantasia / Ficção / Infantojuvenil

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The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents


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on 19/12/23

Vigésimo-oitavo volume da saga Discworld e o primeiro infanto-juvenil. Como já havia sido dito em outros livros, animais que ficam em contato com a magia da Universidade Invisível adquirem um QI maior e até mesmo a capacidade de fala. Isso é o que acontece com o gato Maurice e a pequena comunidade de ratos com quem ele convive. A trama é bem complexa para crianças, e eu a recomendaria apenas para faixa acima dos oito anos. Há uma boa quantidade de humor puro e facilmente compreensíve... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 21
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cadastrou em:
06/10/2010 18:37:42
Srta. Oliver
editou em:
07/03/2016 16:29:50

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