The Winter

The Winter's Tale William Shakespeare


The Winter's Tale (Penguin Classics)

Though sometimes classified as a 'problem play' for its mix of turbulent emotional and light-hearted comedy, William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale is a timeless study of jealousy and desire. This Penguin Shakespeare edition is edited by Ernest Schanzer with an introduction by Russ McDonald. 'You may as well Forbid the sea for to obey the moon As or by oath remove or counsel shake The fabric of his folly' Leontes, the jealous King of Sicily becomes convinced that his wife, Hermione is carrying the child of his best friend Polixenes. Imprisoned and put on trial, the Queen collapses when the King refuses to accept the divine confirmation of her innocence. The child is abandoned to die on the coast of Bohemia. Sixteen years later, Polixenes' son Prince Florizel, incurs his father's wrath by eloping with Perdita, the daughter of a local shepherd. But Perdita's origins are not as humble as they appear...This book includes a general introduction to Shakespeare's life and the Elizabethan theatre, a separate introduction to The Winter's Tale, a chronology, suggestions for further reading, an essay discussing performance options on both stage and screen, and a commentary.

Drama / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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The Winter
The Winter
The Winter


Resenhas para The Winter's Tale (1)

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on 27/7/20

"After the aesthetic self-wounding of 'Cymbeline', 'The Winter's Tale' surges with Shakespeare's full power, though changed altogether from any of its earlier displays. (...) Leontes, nothing himself (as he secretly fears), beholds what is not there, as well as the nothing that is. Shakespeare's winter's tale gives us a mind of winter unable to cease its reductions until the deaths of others shock it back to reality. (...) Whether or not there is repressed homosexuality in Leonte's abe... leia mais


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Gabriel de Castro
cadastrou em:
19/08/2018 12:36:30

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