Go tell it on the mountain

Go tell it on the mountain James Baldwin


Go tell it on the mountain

This haunting coming-of-age story, based in part on James Baldwin’s childhood in Harlem, is an American classic.

Originally published in 1953, Go Tell It on the Mountain was Baldwin’s first major work. With a potent combination of lyrical compassion and resonant rage, he portrays a fourteen-year-old boy questioning the terms of his identity. John Grimes is the stepson of a fire-breathing and abusive Pentecostal preacher in Harlem during the Depression. The action of this short novel spans a single day in John’s life, and yet manages to encompass on an epic scale his family’s troubled past and his own inchoate longings for the future, set against a shining vision of a city where he both does and does not belong. Baldwin’s story illuminates the racism his characters face as well as the double-edged role religion plays in their lives, both oppressive and inspirational. In prose that mingles gritty vernacular cadences with exalted biblical rhythms, Baldwin’s rendering of his young protagonist’s struggle to invent himself pioneered new possibilities in American language and literature. 

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (7)

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Go Tell It on the Mountain
Go Tell it on the Mountain
Go Tell It on the Mountain
Go Tell It on the Mountain


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on 6/9/23

Sempre que leio um livro com temas religiosos sinto que perco muito do que se passa por não ter um histórico religioso e não foi muito diferente com esse aqui. Mas deixando um pouco o aspecto bíblico de lado, eu gostei bastante do livro. Todas as personagens são interessantes e complexas e são abordados muitos temas ao longo da história. O final é um pouco aberto e a terceira parte me deixou meio perdida, mas gostei mesmo assim. Não foi o que eu esperava, achei que ia falar mais ... leia mais


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11/10/2016 19:50:41

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