The Sea is My Brother

The Sea is My Brother Jack Kerouac


The Sea is My Brother

The Lost Novel

Published in its entirety for the first time, The Sea is My Brother is Jack Kerouac's first novel. Described by Kerouac as being about 'man's simple revolt from society as it is, with the inequalities, frustration, and self-inflicted agonies', the 158-page handwritten manuscript was not published during his lifetime. He wrote in his notes for the project that the characters were 'the vanishing American, the big free by, the American Indian, the last of the pioneers, the last of the hoboes'. The novel follows the fortunes of Wesley Martin, a man who Kerouac said 'loved the sea with a strange, lonely love; the sea is his brother and sentences. He goes down.'

Kerouac began this work not long after his first tour as a Merchant Marine on the S.S. Dorchester in the late summer of 1942 during which he kept a journal detailing the gritty daily routine of life at sea. Inspired by the trip, which exemplified Kerouac's love for adventure and the character traits of his fellow shipmates, the journals were spontaneous sketches of those experiences that were woven into a short novel soon after disembarking from the S.S. Dorchester in October of 1942. The edition also contains a number of other fragments of Kerouac's early writing and letters between Kerouac and Sebastian Sampas all from the early 1940s, as well as many images.

Edições (2)

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The Sea is My Brother
The Sea is My Brother


Resenhas para The Sea is My Brother (1)

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on 25/2/14

Sinceramente, ia dar uma classificação muito menor para este livro. O conto The Sea Is My Brother não é um dos melhores do Kerouac. Porém, suas primeiras histórias e contos inacabados, na segunda parte do livro, são muito interessantes na maior parte, é sempre muito interessante ler esses projetos inacabados, eu costumo sentir uma intimidade muito grande com o autor. Mas, principalmente a última parte, que consiste principalmente nas cartas dele com Sebastian Pampas são brilhante... leia mais


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20/01/2012 14:42:57

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