O Falcão de Ouro

O Falcão de Ouro Frank Yerby


O Falcão de Ouro

The Golden Hawk

The Golden Hawk (O Falcão Dourado /1952) -- Romance e aventura "capa e espada" nas águas do Caribe -- Fins do século XVII, durante as guerras entre a França, Espanha e Inglaterra, o cruel Luis Del Toro (John Sutton), governador de Cartagena, captura a pirata Rouge (Rhonda Fleming) - uma dama inglesa arruinada que busca vingança e retribuição dos espanhóis para recuperar a sua fortuna. Rouge é salva pelo Capitão Kit Gerardo (Sterling Hayden) que, ao resgatar Bianca, a noiva do seu arquinimigo del Toro num ataque pirata, cria um complexo e tempestuoso triângulo amoroso entre os protagonistas... [Imdb plot summaries]: Kit Gerardo, also known as The Hawk, is one of Frances's most daring privateers, rescues Rouge from a Spanish ship. She is also a pirate, working to restore the fortune the French took from her. When Kit is captured by the governor of Cartagena, Luis del Toro, Rouge demands that he be hanged for piracy. Only one person knows it, but Kit is the governor's son.
-- Written by Les Adams |...| Captain Kit "The Hawk" Gerardo is a French privateer - a pirate as far as his enemies are concerned. He attacks a Spanish ship of the line, the Garza, captained by Luis del Toro. Gerardo has a personal reason for wanting del Toro dead - the man killed his mother. The battle is inconclusive but the Garza had on board a number of prisoners and Gerardo's ship rescues a beautiful redhead who claims to be the daughter of a Dutch merchant. She is in fact Captain Rouge, an English privateer, and manages to escape after learning that Gerardo has no immediate plans to return to port. An attack on another Spanish ship gives them a great prize: Bianca de Valdiva, del Toro's bride to be. She is to be held for ransom but a love triangle develops. Bianca is in love with Kit; he is love with Captain Rouge; and Rouge hates men in general and Gerardo in particular after he attacks her plantation. Rouge comes to his rescue however when he is captured and ordered to be hanged. -- Written by garykmcd.

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The Golden Hawk
O Falcão de Ouro


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