The Billionaire Wins The Game

The Billionaire Wins The Game Melody Anne


The Billionaire Wins The Game (Billionaire Bachelors #1)

Joseph Anderson has decided it's time for his three successful sons to find brides. Joseph wants grandchildren to fill his mansion, and he wants them immediately. His eldest son, Lucas, is successful in all areas of his life, except love, and Joseph begins matchmaking. He finds Amy Harper and deems her the perfect daughter-in-law. He just needs to get her and Lucas to both realize they're made for each other.
Lucas Anderson is wealthy, sexy, and stubborn. He has no desire to have any woman enter his life, causing chaos, or using his family's name. Many women have tried, and he's been successful in finding out who they are beneath their false smiles.
Amy Harper was raised in tragic circumstances and doesn't like pampered, rich men who have been handed everything with a silver spoon. She spent years finishing her education and then received a job with the Anderson Corporation. She instantly doesn't like her incredibly sexy boss, who is arrogant and thinks every woman should fall at his feet.
When Amy becomes pregnant after one reckless night of passion, she's scared he'll take the baby and run. Lucas is demanding, and used to getting his way, but Amy has just the right amount of spark to ignite his fuse, and challenges him each step of the way.
Lucas's father, Joseph, and his brothers Alex and Mark, offer laughter, love, and support. With the love of Lucas's family, who aren't only rich and successful, but also kind and giving, Amy starts to realize that being wealthy doesn't make or break a man, and starts to picture the happily ever after she never believed in for herself.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Billionaire Wins The Game


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Receita simples, mas gostosa.
on 14/1/15

Sabe aquela receitinha simples, um arroz com feijão de todo dia. Pode até ficar cansativo, mas com o tempero certo, não fica uma delícia? Esse livro é um desses casos, é um arroz com feijão feito com capricho e bem temperado. Joseph o cupido em questão, é um querido. Um marido e pai maravilhoso, que só quer a felicidade dos filhos e é claro netos. Então Joseph se empenha em arrumar uma esposa para seu filho mais velho Lucas e encontra Amy, uma jovem trabalhadora e que quer vencer na... leia mais


Avaliações 3.7 / 150
ranking 23
ranking 34
ranking 34
ranking 7
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
21/08/2012 20:56:15
editou em:
08/09/2021 13:45:30

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