The Beast Loves Curves

The Beast Loves Curves J.S. Scott
J.S. Scott


The Beast Loves Curves (Big Girls and Bad Boys #2)

A BBW Romance

After being cruelly and brutally dumped by her boyfriend for being overweight, computer programmer Abbie Wright has sworn off of men. The relationship had left her raw and wounded, crushing her already fragile self esteem. The last thing she needs is to work a special project for millionaire client, Ian Campbell. His previous employees call him “the beast” because of his difficult personality and the trials that his employees have to deal with in having him for a boss. Just what Abbie needs…having her spirit crushed by an ogre of a client. It was an assignment she couldn’t turn down…but she dreaded it. Abbie doesn’t know that she is in for a pleasant surprise when Ian turns out to be one of the finest men she has ever known. He nudges his way into her heart, but Abbie has a past and she knows a man like Ian would never want a plus sized woman like her. If she lets him get too close…he will destroy her completely.

Ian Campbell was still recovering from a near fatal racing accident that had left him scarred and almost taken his life. Determined to open a new charity foundation, he wants the best website for his foundation and he’s seen Abbie Wright’s work. He wants her for his project. After he meets her in person and gets to know her intelligent, smart, sweet and witty personality, he wants her for much more than his project. He lusts for her full figured body and is addicted to her company. The problem is…

Abbie won’t give him a chance. She spurns his advances and has no interest in taking their budding friendship any further, but Ian has fallen and he has fallen hard. He’s not sure if he can stand to let Abbie go. As Ian and Abbie struggle through their misunderstandings and insecurities, they will find out if two broken people can end up being a perfect match.

18+ Only. This is an EROTIC Romance and contains graphic sex
and graphic language that may offend some readers. This is intended
for mature audiences only.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Beast Loves Curves
The Beast Loves Curves


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Curves by Design

Resenhas para The Beast Loves Curves (1)

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Meu favorito da trilogia!
on 24/11/16

Aqui conhecemos Abbie, que estava super pra baixo depois do fora que levou do noivo. O pior é que o homem terminou porque, segundo ele, "ela era gorda e não combinava com a imagem que ele queria passar em seu novo emprego". E assim, com sua auto-estima lá no chão, ela conheceu o Ian, que tinha uma má fama terrível, mas que na verdade era só intriga da oposição. Rico e poderoso, ele costumava levar uma vida bem superficial, mas isso mudou após o acidente que sofreu. E ele també... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 24
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ranking 13
ranking 29
ranking 25
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
11/06/2013 18:26:12
editou em:
07/09/2022 14:04:49

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