After I Do

After I Do Taylor Jenkins Reid


After I Do

From the author of Forever, Interrupted—hailed by Sarah Jio as "moving, gorgeous, and at times heart-wrenching"—comes a breathtaking new novel about modern marriage, the depth of family ties, and the year that one remarkable heroine spends exploring both.

When Lauren and Ryan’s marriage reaches the breaking point, they come up with an unconventional plan. They decide to take a year off in the hopes of finding a way to fall in love again. One year apart, and only one rule: they cannot contact each other. Aside from that, anything goes.

Lauren embarks on a journey of self-discovery, quickly finding that her friends and family have their own ideas about the meaning of marriage. These influences, as well as her own healing process and the challenges of living apart from Ryan, begin to change Lauren’s ideas about monogamy and marriage. She starts to question: When you can have romance without loyalty and commitment without marriage, when love and lust are no longer tied together, what do you value? What are you willing to fight for?

This is a love story about what happens when the love fades. It’s about staying in love, seizing love, forsaking love, and committing to love with everything you’ve got. And above all, After I Do is the story of a couple caught up in an old game—and searching for a new road to happily ever after.


Edições (2)

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After I Do
After I Do


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Forever, Interrupted
Maybe in Another Life
After I Do
Depois do Sim

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Sobre "After I Do"!
on 26/6/20

Lauren e Ryan se conheceram aos 19 anos e a paixão foi instantânea e avassaladora. Terminaram a faculdade juntos, iniciaram suas vidas juntos, aventuraram-se, sonharam e se amaram por muito tempo... até não se amarem mais. Depois de anos juntos, o casal chegou em um ponto crítico de não se importar mais um com o outro, não desejar mais o parceiro e não sentir mais felicidade dentro do lar que construíram juntos. Após muitas conversas, dores e brigas, o casal resolve se separar; passar ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 215
ranking 36
ranking 44
ranking 19
ranking 1
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
26/07/2014 03:54:14
editou em:
12/02/2021 01:22:46

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