One Hundred Years of Solitude

One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel García Márquez


One Hundred Years of Solitude

A best seller and critical success in Latin America, Europe, and the United States, One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and death of teh mythical town of Macondo through the history of the Buendia family. It is a rich and billiant chronicle of life and death and the tragicomedy of man. In the noble, ridiculous, beautiful, and tawdry story of the Buendia family one sees all mankind, just as in the history, myths, growth, and decay of Macondo one sees all of Latin America.Love and lust, war and revolution, reiches and poverty, youth and senility--the variety of life, the endlessness fo death, the search for peace and truth--these, the universal themes, dominate the novel. Whether he is describing an affair of passion or the voracity of capitalism and the corruption of government, Garcia Marquez always writes with the simplicity, ease, and purity that are the mark fo a master. Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad, alive with unforgettale men

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (63)

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Resenhas para One Hundred Years of Solitude (210)

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El tiempo y la memoria
on 25/5/20

García Márquez logró crear una obra muy rica, tanto en acontecimientos como en detalles. Me pregunto si él mismo había pensado en toda la historia antes mismo de comenzar a escribir, o si él lo criaba mientras escribía. En todo caso, el autor es un grande contador de historias y cada párrafo agárrate con una nueva peripecia. Me gustó mucho leer la creación de Macondo, y los gitanos que allí visitaban, y la sabiduría de Melquíades y la soledad polvorienta de la ciudad. Cada uno de la fa... leia mais


Avaliações 4.6 / 1.602
ranking 72
ranking 21
ranking 5
ranking 1
ranking 0



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