How We Learn

How We Learn Benedict Carey


How We Learn

The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens

From an early age, it is drilled into our heads: Restlessness, distraction, and ignorance are the enemies of success. We’re told that learning is all self-discipline, that we must confine ourselves to designated study areas, turn off the music, and maintain a strict ritual if we want to ace that test, memorize that presentation, or nail that piano recital.

But what if almost everything we were told about learning is wrong? And what if there was a way to achieve more with less effort?

In How We Learn, award-winning science reporter Benedict Carey sifts through decades of education research and landmark studies to uncover the truth about how our brains absorb and retain information. What he discovers is that, from the moment we are born, we are all learning quickly, efficiently, and automatically; but in our zeal to systematize the process we have ignored valuable, naturally enjoyable learning tools like forgetting, sleeping, and daydreaming. Is a dedicated desk in a quiet room really the best way to study? Can altering your routine improve your recall? Are there times when distraction is good? Is repetition necessary? Carey’s search for answers to these questions yields a wealth of strategies that make learning more a part of our everyday lives—and less of a chore.
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How We Learn


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Neste livro, o autor defende que não existe uma maneira certa ou uma maneira errada d
2 days, 19 hours ago

No início dos anos 2000, Benedict Carey começou a seguir a ciência da aprendizagem e da memória como repórter, primeiro para o Los Angeles Times e depois para o The New York Times. Neste livro, o autor defende que não existe uma maneira certa ou uma maneira errada de aprender. Existem diferentes estratégias, cada uma adequada exclusivamente para capturar um determinado tipo de informação. O livro começa com uma introdução sobre o que se sabe acerca de como as células cerebrais s... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
10/10/2014 08:53:25
Jéssica R. Ramos
editou em:
31/10/2016 10:20:04

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