The Purpose Driven Life

The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren


The Purpose Driven Life

What on Earth Am I Here For?

The spiritual premise in The Purpose-Driven Life is that there are no accidents---God planned everything and everyone. Therefore, every human has a divine purpose, according to God's master plan. Like a twist on John F. Kennedy's famous inaugural address, this book could be summed up like this: "So my fellow Christians, ask not what God can do for your life plan, ask what your life can do for God's plan." Those who are looking for advice on finding one's calling through career choice, creative expression, or any form of self-discovery should go elsewhere. This is not about self-exploration; it is about purposeful devotion to a Christian God. The book is set up to be a 40-day immersion plan, recognizing that the Bible favors the number 40 as a "spiritually significant time," according to author Rick Warren, the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, touted as one of the nation largest congregations. Warren's hope is that readers will "interact" with the 40 chapters, reading them one day at a time, with extensive underlining and writing in the margins. As an inspirational manifesto for creating a more worshipful, church-driven life, this book delivers. Every page is laden with references to scripture or dogma. But it does not do much to address the challenges of modern Christian living, with its competing material, professional, and financial distractions. Nonetheless, this is probably an excellent resource for devout Christians who crave a jumpstart back to worshipfulness. --Gail Hudson

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The Purpose Driven Life
The Purpose Driven Life


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on 15/4/20

The purpose driven life (Uma vida com propósitos), de Rick Warren. ... Quantas pessoas leem livros e livros de autoajuda em busca de que eles lhes revelem o propósito de suas vidas? Essas pessoas buscam preencher o vazio de seu ser procurando o propósito dentro de si mesmas, e é por isso que não o encontram, ou pelo menos, não encontram de forma duradoura. Isso acontece porque estão buscando no lugar errado... E, neste livro maravilhoso, Rick Warren explica por que e como encontrar o... leia mais


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06/10/2015 02:03:36

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