The Apprentice

The Apprentice Tess Gerritsen


The Apprentice (Rizzoli & Isles #2)

It is a boiling hot Boston summer. Adding to the city's woes is a series of shocking crimes, in which wealthy men are made to watch while their wives are brutalized. A sadistic demand that ends in abduction and death.

The pattern suggests one man: serial killer Warren Hoyt, recently removed from the city's streets. Police can only assume an acolyte is at large, a maniac basing his attacks on the twisted medical techniques of the madman he so admires. At least that's what Detective Jane Rizzoli thinks. Forced again to confront the killer who scarred her - literally and figuratively - she is determined to finally end Hoyt's awful influence . . . even if it means receiving more resistance from her all-male homicide squad.

But Rizzoli isn't counting on the U.S. government's sudden interest. Or on meeting Special Agent Gabriel Dean, who knows more than he will tell. Most of all, she isn't counting on becoming a target herself, once Hoyt is suddenly free, joining his mysterious blood brother in a vicious vendetta. . . .

Filled with superbly created characters and the medical and police procedural details that are her trademark,The Apprentice is Tess Gerritsen at her brilliant best. Set in a stunning world where evil is easy to learn and hard to end, this is a thriller by a master who could teach other authors a thing or two.

Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (4)

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The Apprentice
The Apprentice
The Apprentice
The Apprentice


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on 13/5/13

Quem me conhece sabe que sou muito implicante com a forma como os escritores selam suas histórias - muitas vezes ótimas -, com finais medíocres. Considero Tess Gerritsen uma grande escritora, mas o que mais admiro em seus livros é a forma como eles terminam: são finais tão impactantes que te dão vontade de correr para o seu próximo livro imediatamente. Mas não é só isso: são bons finais, finais sem julgamentos, sem pieguices. The Apprentice não teve sobre mim tanto impacto quanto The S... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 36
ranking 49
ranking 43
ranking 8
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cadastrou em:
16/12/2022 23:11:20
editou em:
16/12/2022 23:11:55

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