The Austere Academy

The Austere Academy Lemony Snicket


The Austere Academy (A Series of Unfortunate Events #5)

Book the Fifth

In The Austere Academy, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are at first optimistic--attending school is a welcome change for the book-loving trio, and the academy is allegedly safe from the dreaded Count Olaf, who is after their fortune. Hope dissipates quickly, however, when they meet Vice Principal Nero, a self-professed genius violinist who sneeringly imitates their every word. More dreadful still, he houses them in the tin Orphans Shack, crawling with toe-biting crabs and dripping with a mysterious tan fungus. A beam of light shines through the despair when the Baudelaires meet the Quagmires, two of three orphaned triplets who are no strangers to disaster and sympathize with their predicament. When Count Olaf appears on the scene disguised as Coach Genghis (covering his monobrow with a turban and his ankle tattoo with expensive running shoes), the Quagmires resolve to come to the aid of their new friends. Sadly, this proves to be a hideous mistake.

Aventura / Ficção / Infantil / Infantojuvenil

Edições (3)

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The Austere Academy
The Austere Academy
The Austere Academy


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Absurdamente Genial
on 16/2/24

Diferente de outros contos infantojuvenis, desventuras em série assume um caráter mais sombrio, desde o momento em que Lemony Snicket se introduz na narrativa, quebrando a quarta parede para avisar que a história não terá um final feliz, até a abordagem crua de temas pesados que produções voltadas para o público infantil temem expor: morte, azar, negligência e por aí vai. O que mais me fascina nessa saga é o absurdo. Sunny uma neném, forçada a trabalhar e produzir novos grampos para co... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 270
ranking 37
ranking 40
ranking 21
ranking 2
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editou em:
12/07/2020 22:04:49

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