The Score

The Score Bethany-Kris


The Score (The Russian Guns #3)

*Please Note: The Score is not a standalone title. The first books in the Russian Guns series (The Arrangement, followed by The Life) should be read first*

In the mess of love and life, nothing and no one is left untouched.

After everything the Russian mob boss Anton Avdonin has done to keep his family safe from the dangers of the world surrounding them, he never thought it would come down to this. The officials are knocking, the charges are piling, his wife is hurting, and theyre facing a fate he never thought to consider. He didnt just make one mistake no, he made many. Its time to answer for them all.

Viviana Vine Avdonin is stuck watching the life she adores crumble around her. Bad decisions have led to terrible consequences in more ways than one. She doesnt have time to recover from one devastating tragedy that leaves her shattered before the next one is crushing down, too. Saving her husband from a life sentence might be the easiest thing she has to do when her own misdeeds are staring her in the face.

Together, Anton and Viviana have survived more than once, but this path will be by far, the hardest theyve ever walked. Sometimes they have to walk it alone because forgiveness isnt always black and white and love can be blurred by pain. With the blissful ignorance gone and the blinders removed, how much of themselves will they have to sacrifice to come out on top one last time?

When everyone has a score to settle, its hard to notice the person causing the most heartache is the one staring back in the mirror.

Third installment to The Russian Guns
*Sequel to The Life

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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The Score


(2) ver mais
The Arrangement
Outtakes Vol 1: The Russian Guns


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