The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952

The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 Charles M. Schulz


The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 #1

Good grief! The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 launches the most ambitious and most important project in the comics and cartooning genre: over a period of 12 years, Fantagraphics Books will release every daily and Sunday strip of Charles M. Schulz's "Peanuts," the best-known and best-loved series in the world. Most everyone with an interest in its history has seen the very first strip ("Good ol' Charlie Brown... How I hate him!"), but this first volume follows it up with 287 pages (three daily strips or one Sunday per page) of vintage material in chronological order. "Peanuts" was unique at the time for portraying kids who seemed like real kids, but they also had a wisdom beyond their years, embodied especially by the lovable loser, Charlie Brown, who even in these early years has lost 4000 checker games in a row. We see him don his familiar jagged-stripe shirt for the first time (December 1950) and, at the age of 4, at his peak as a babe magnet. Shermy is the other significant boy, and the girls in their lives are Patty (not to be confused with Peppermint Patty) and Violet. Schroeder is an infant who has learned to sit up in order to play Beethoven on his toy piano. Snoopy is an anthropomorphic dog who plays baseball (April 1952) and has his own thoughts (October 1952). In March 1952 we meet a bug-eyed Lucy, who by November has been designated "Miss Fuss-Budget of 1952" and is pulling the football away from Charlie Brown (Violet had done it a year earlier). Her baby brother Linus arrives in July 1952. The book itself is beautifully packaged, the strips printed large and clear on high-quality paper and accompanied by an in-depth essay by David Michaelis, a 1987 interview with Schulz, an introduction by Garrison Keillor, and even an index of characters and subjects. It's so well-done that any reader will be impatient for the rest of the series, but in the meantime this is a book to savor. --David Horiuchi

HQ, comics, mangá

Edições (3)

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Peanuts completo: 1950-1952
Peanuts Completo: 1950 a 1952
The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952


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Resenhas para The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 (26)

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Quadrinhos com muito mais do que aparenta
on 13/2/21

Snoopy e Charlie Brown com certeza são dois dos meus personagens de quadrinhos preferidos da vida! Então foi muito especial poder conhecer a história desde o comecinho, ver o desenvolvimento e o surgimento de cada personagem e viajar nesse universo tão leve e gostoso. • Apesar disso, Schulz também é ousado ao trazer seu próprio sentimento de "sensação permanente de isolamento, insegurança e inferioridade", e com isso, acabou abordando temas que não eram muito falados na época, como d... leia mais

Vídeos The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 (2)

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O universo de Snoopy e Charlie Brown - resenha de Peanuts | Ronaldo Junior

O universo de Snoopy e Charlie Brown - resenh

Perplexidade e Silêncio | Aquele sobre Peanuts (Snoopy & Charlie Brown - Peanuts, o Filme)

Perplexidade e Silêncio | Aquele sobre Peanut


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