Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox

Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox Eoin Colfer


Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox

"Angeline Fowl contracts a debilitating disease, which Artemis can not heal with magic. Artemis desperately contacts Captain Holly Short and N˚1, in hopes that they will be able to shed some new light on his mother s condition. They determine Angeline is suffering from Spelltropy, a fairy disease that is spread through the use of magic, and can only be cured by the brain fluid of the silky sifaka lemur of Madagascar. Unfortunately, the lemur is extinct, due to a ruthless deal Artemis made 8 years ago with a group called the Extinctionists. Foaly tells him that his mother will die without the cure. Artemis pleads for N˚1 to open up the time stream, allowing him to save the lemur, and thus his mother. Foaly argues against the idea, saying that meddling with the past is far too risky, and could have drastic consequences for the present. Artemis however counters that if his mother s Spelltropy is not cured, then it may spread back to the fairies, and even humans. Also, Artemis argues for the theory that he supports, that if you go back into the past, then you have already been back in the past. He lies to Holly, by making her believe that she was the one who gave the illness to Angeline, which would make her honor bound to help him. With the threat of a Spelltropy outbreak threatening to not only affect fairies, but humans too, Foaly agrees that traveling back in time may be the only way save both the fairies and the humans. Artemis convinces N˚1 to use his magic to send him and Holly back in time so that he can rescue the lemur from himself. N˚1 warns them that after three days in the past, his magic may not be able to pull them back into the present."


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Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox
Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox
Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox
Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox


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16/01/2009 14:40:16

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