Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle Nicholas Sparks


Message in a Bottle

Thrown to the waves, and to fate, the bottle could have ended up anywhere. Instead, it is found just three weeks after it begins its journey. Theresa Osborne, divorced and the mother of a twelve-year-old son, picks it up during a seaside vacation from her job as a Boston newspaper columnist. Inside is a letter that opens with:

My Dearest Catherine, I miss you my darling, as I always do, but today is particularly hard because the ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together...

For "Garrett," the man who signs the letter, the message is the only way he knows to express his undying love for a woman he has lost. For Theresa, wary of romance since her husband shattered her trust, the message raises questions that intrigue her. Who are Garrett and Catherine? Where is he now? What is his story?

Challenged by the mystery, and pulled to find Garrett by emotions she does not fully understand, Theresa begins a search that takes her to a sunlit coastal town and an unexpected confrontation. Brought together by chance-or something more powerful-Theresa and Garrett are people whose lives are about to touch for a purpose, in a tale that resonates with our deepest hopes for finding that special someone and everlasting love.

Shimmering with suspense and emotional intensity, Message in a Bottle takes readers on a hunt for the truth about a man and his memories, and about both the heartbreaking fragility and enormous strength of love. For those who cherished The Notebook and readers waiting to discover the magic of Nicholas Sparks's storytelling, here is his new, achingly lovely novel of happenstance, desire, and the choices that matter most...


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Uma carta de amor.
on 31/3/09

Como todos os livros de Sparks, são inumdados de sentimentos,emocionantes. O autor tem o dom de encadear os fatos de forma que tudo pareça surpreendente e inesperado, os personagens são complexos, é fácil reconhecer traços semelhantes entre os protagonistas dos livros de Sparks. O difícil é ser indiferente àquilo que eles representam: a universalidade dos sentimentos. Seus livros acertam em cheio nossos corações. As cartas expressam os sentimentos e tudo que Blake não foi capaz de dem... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 570
ranking 50
ranking 31
ranking 15
ranking 4
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cadastrou em:
10/08/2022 06:21:20
editou em:
10/08/2022 06:22:15

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