The Girl and the Stars

The Girl and the Stars Mark Lawrence


The Girl and the Stars (Book of the Ice #1)

In the ice, east of the Black Rock, there is a hole into which broken children are thrown. Yaz’s people call it the Pit of the Missing and now it is drawing her in as she has always known it would.

To resist the cold, to endure the months of night when even the air itself begins to freeze, requires a special breed. Variation is dangerous, difference is fatal. And Yaz is not the same.

Yaz’s difference tears her from the only life she’s ever known, away from her family, from the boy she thought she would spend her days with, and has to carve out a new path for herself in a world whose existence she never suspected. A world full of difference and mystery and danger.

Yaz learns that Abeth is older and stranger than she had ever imagined. She learns that her weaknesses are another kind of strength and that the cruel arithmetic of survival that has always governed her people can be challenged.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Girl and the Stars
The Girl and the Stars


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Ok, né?
on 1/5/24

De inicio já vou deixar bem claro que essa leitura se tornou apenas "ok" pelas altas expectativas que botei no livro, em relação a trilogia anterior do autor. Quando soube que esse livro se passaria no mesmo mundo de "red sister", me empolguei logo de cara pois imaginei que teria, finalmente, respostas de perguntas que foram deixadas em aberto no final da trilogia. Óbvio que esse é apenas o primeiro livro desta trilogia, e ele tem que criar um certo mistério para as sequencias, eu só q... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.2 / 9
ranking 11
ranking 22
ranking 44
ranking 22
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