Enemies With Benefits

Enemies With Benefits Roxie Noir


Enemies With Benefits (Loveless Brothers #1)

I don’t love him. I don’t even like him.
I just want him.

Eli Loveless was my nemesis from the first day of kindergarten until we graduated high school. Everything I did, he had to do better - and vice versa. The day he left town was the best day of my life.

Ten years later, the day he came back was the worst.

Now he’s my co-worker.

Grown-up Eli Loveless is sexy as sin. He’s hotter than asphalt in the summer. The irritating kid I once knew is gone, and he’s been replaced by a man with green eyes, perfect abs, and a cocky smile.

It’s bad that I want him.

It’s worse that he wants me back.

There are looks. There are smirks. There are smiles that make my panties burst into flame.

And then there’s a shared kiss that leads to the hottest night of my life.

This is no office romance. This is a five-alarm fire.

What’s a girl to do when the man I can’t stand is the one I can’t stop lusting after?

Enter into a friends-with-benefits agreement, of course.

No dates. No relationship. Just blisteringly hot sex, because if there’s one person I could never fall for, it’s Eli.



Edições (2)

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Enemies With Benefits: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance  (English Edition)
Enemies With Benefits


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on 17/7/23

Este livro é fantástico! Tem tudo que eu adoro em um romance! Inimigos que se tornam amantes, cidade pequena, colegas de trabalho, inimigos de infância, uma grande família e uma trama intrigante! Eli e Violet são o melhor tipo de inimigos que se tornam amantes! Fiquei totalmente envolvida com eles e com toda a gangue de Loveless! No entanto, devo admitir que o livro é um pouco extenso e pode parecer repetitivo em alguns momentos. Ainda assim, as cenas h0ts são excelentes e proporci... leia mais


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ranking 51
ranking 23
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Marcella Celina
cadastrou em:
17/09/2019 17:31:27

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