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Management 9e

9781260569964 | nao informado |

ISE Management

9781265017750 | nao informado |

Bite-Sized Stories: A Multi-Genre Flash Fiction Anthology (Flash Flood Book 1) (English Edition)

9781941939109 | Cheverer |

The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year

The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction
Gardner Dozois, Stephen Baxter, Greg Bear, William Gibson, Terry Bisson, ................................................................................................
Ano:2005 / Páginas:655
9780312336561 | St. Martin's Griffin | 2 edições | 1 leitores

Klarissa Dreams Redux: An Illuminated Anthology (English Edition)

Klarissa Dreams Redux: An Illuminated Anthology (English Edition)
Shebat Legion, Dianne Tchir, Alan Torok, Marko Katic, James McCuaig, .......................................................................................................................................................................................
9781999538033 | LegionPress |

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