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Fundamentals of Queueing Theory

9780471791270 | Wiley-Interscience | 1 leitores

100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories

100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
Martin Harry Greenberg, Isaac Asimov, Joseph D. Olander, Alfred Bester, Ambrose Bierce, ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ano:1980 / Páginas:302
9780330261555 | Pan Books | 5 leitores

The Year

The Year's Best Fantasy: Second Annual Collection
Ellen Datlow, Terri Windling, Thomas M. Disch, Ruth Boston, Tanith Lee, ...........................................................................................................................
Ano:1989 / Páginas:579
9780312030063 | St. Martin's Press |

Slavery: Not Forgiven, Never Forgotten  The Most Powerful Slave Narratives, Historical Documents & Influential Novels: The Underground Railroad, Memoirs ... Amendments and much more (English Edition)


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