5 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 5

The Simulated Multiverse

9781954872011 | Bayview Books, LLC |

The Simulated Multiverse

9781954872004 | Bayview Labs, LLC |

The Simulation Hypothesis

The Simulation Hypothesis
An MIT Computer Scientist Shows Why AI, Quantum Physics and Eastern Mystics All Agree We Are In a Video GameRizwan Virk
Ano:2019 / Páginas:332
9780983056904 | Bayview Labs, LLC | 11 leitores

Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt
Rizwan Virk
Ano:2017 / Páginas:256
9781786780508 | Watkins Publishing |

A hipótese da simulação: Conheça a teoria por trás da série Matrix

9786550471217 | Citadel Grupo Editorial | 93 leitores

5 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 5

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