A vida de Mark Twain

A vida de Mark Twain Albert Bigelow Paine

PDF - A vida de Mark Twain

O livro conta a vida de Mark Twain. Suas profissões, casamento, filhos, trabalhos, viagens; como começou escrever e por que seu pseudônimo; seu nome era Samuel Langhorne Clemens. . .
[First published 1915]. With many anecdotes, letters, illustrations and more. Paine wrote fiction, humor, verse and edited several magazines, but his outstanding work was a three-volume biography of Mark Twain, with whom he lived and traveled for four years. Partial Contents: The Family of John Clemens; The New Home, and Uncle John Quarles's Farm; School; Education Out of School; Tom Sawyer and His Band; Closing Schooldays; The Apprentice; Orion's Paper; The Open Road; A Wind of Chance; The Long Way to Amazon; Renewing an Old Ambition; Learning the River; River Days; The Wreck of the Pennsylvania; The Pilot; The End of Piloting; The Soldier; The Miner; The Territorial Enterprise; Mark Twain; Artemus War and Literary San Francisco; The Discovery of the Jumping Frog; Beginning Tom Sawyer; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; Working with Mark Twain; Living with Mark Twain; and The Close of a Great Life.

A vida de Mark Twain

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