A volta dos Gatos Alados

A volta dos Gatos Alados Ursula K. Le Guin

PDF - A volta dos Gatos Alados

["Catwings Return" (A Volta dos Gatos Alados /1989) -- (Catwings, #2) -- Ilustrações de S.D. Shindler; tradução de Mirna Pinsky.] Para reeencontrar a mãe, Jaime e Henriqueta deixam seus dois irmãos alados e resolvem correr todos os riscos dos quais fugiram quando gatinhos. |...| 'James and Harriet return to the city to find their mother. When they arrive, they find a small black kitten with wings. They gain the kitten's trust and find their mother. The kitten is hers, lost when the old dumpster was moved. While the mother declines to return, she asks James and Harriet to bring the kitten with them. As they return to their home, the two children who were caring for them see her and name her Jane'. Ursula Le Guin is a poetry and prose writer, in different modes like children, Young adult books, science fiction and fantasy. Her Catwings series is a bestseller. Three of the titles have been finalists for The Pulitzer Prize and The American Book Award. Le Guin's writing had been honored with a National Book Award, several Hugo Awards, a The Margaret A. Edwards Award and five Nebula Awards.

A volta dos Gatos Alados

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A volta dos gatos alados, de Ursula K. Le Guin

A continuação do conto Gatos Alados. Amei, muito linda a continuação dessa história, foi bom saber que a família dos gatinhos teve um final feliz; embora não tenham ficado todos juntos foram acolhidos por humanos gentis. Recomendo aos amantes dos gatos, porém leiam antes Gatos Alados....
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