Beat the Odds Survival Manual: Real-Life Strategies for Surviving Everything from a Global Pandemic to the Robot Rebellion (English Edition)

Beat the Odds Survival Manual: Real-Life Strategies for Surviving Everything from a Global Pandemic to the Robot Rebellion (English Edition) Tim MacWelch


The New York Times bestselling author teaches practical strategies for maximizing your chancesno matter how unlikely the crisis. This fast-paced yet level-headed survival guide from the author of Prepare for Anything breaks down the odds of facing dozens of scary situations, from the fairly likely (like getting lost in the woods) to the unlikely but terrifying (being hit by an asteroid, attacked by zombies, or other sci-fi-worthy scenarios). It then provides concrete strategies for improving your odds of survival. Each danger is rated with handy graphics that give an-at-a-glance idea of how likely it is to happen, how much you should worry about it, and how possible it is to survive if it happens to you. In the pages that follow, survival expert Tim MacWelch gives step-by-step instructions, tutorials, and hints to help you beat the odds and live to tell the tale.

Beat the Odds Survival Manual: Real-Life Strategies for Surviving Everything from a Global Pandemic to the Robot Rebellion (English Edition)

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