
Carrie Stephen King...

PDF - Carrie

Carrie is an epistolary horror novel by American author Stephen King. It was his first published novel, released on April 5, 1974, with a first print-run of 30,000 copies. Set primarily in the then-future year of 1979, it revolves around the eponymous Carrie White, a friendless, bullied high-school girl from an abusive religious household who uses her newly discovered telekinetic powers to exact revenge on those who torment her. In the process, she causes one of the worst local disasters the town has ever had. King has commented that he finds the work to be "raw" and "with a surprising power to hurt and horrify." Much of the book uses newspaper clippings, magazine articles, letters, and excerpts from books to tell how Carrie destroyed the fictional town of Chamberlain, Maine while exacting revenge on her sadistic classmates and her own mother Margaret. Carrie was one of the most frequently banned books in United States schools in the 1990s because of its violence, cursing, underage sex and negative view of religion.


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Stephen King vai me matar um dia...

CARAI, QUE LIVRO!!! Simplesmente muito bom, o jeito como entramos na mente de Carrie é fantástico. King sabe muito bem como nos fazer sentir pena e ódio da Carrie ao mesmo tempo. O jeito como a narrativa é construída, contando a história de vários pontos de vista diferentes, como desde o começo sabemos tudo o que acontece e a história vai nos levando pelos caminhos certos para descobrirmos como e porque as coisas aconteceram é tudo de bom. Mais uma leitura do Rei Stephen favoritada....