Homens de Ferro

Homens de Ferro Howard Pyle

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[Recontado da Obra Original de Howard Pyle] MEN OF IRON - The Black Shield of Falworth ( first published 1891) '-'
The price of honor… Myles Falworth was only eight years old the day a knight in black rode into the courtyard of his father's castle with murderous intent, triggering a chain of events that brought disgrace to the house of Falworth. In spite of his family's disgrace, young Myles quickly wins a reputation for courage and independence while in training as a knight at the castle of the great Earl of Mackworth. Then one day, when Myles is sixteen, he discover that his blind father has been condemned for treason, and is being hunted by a powerful enemy who is close to the King. To challenge the King's champion means certain death. Myles must fight to restore his family's rights, but does he dare to risk battle to win back his family's honor?

[About the Author]: During what has come to be known as the golden age of illustration, Howard Pyle was America's foremost artist/illustrator. Born in Wilmington, Delaware in 1853, he developed his talents at a precociously early age. His specialty was the illustration of historical adventure stories, working for important periodicals such as Harper's Magazine and St. Nicholas. Very seldom does it happen that an excellent illustrator is also an excellent writer (or vice versa), but Howard Pyle, in this as in so much else, proved himself exceptional. Although he is remembered first and foremost as a visual artist, he wrote so well that many of his books are considered classics: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, Otto of the Silver Hand, The Story of King Arthur and His Knights, plus several other volumes of Arthurian fiction, and, of course, Men of Iron. At the height of his fame, at the relatively youthful age of 58, Pyle died rather suddenly from a kidney infection. But he left behind quite a vital legacy. A comprehensive collection of his work may be viewed at the Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington. And of course, his historical adventure writings remain in print -- everywhere.

Homens de Ferro

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