If You Never Come Back (English Edition)

If You Never Come Back (English Edition) Sarah Smith


I hate Valentines Day for one reason and one reason only: Wes Paulsen. He came into my life like a wrecking ball one year ago today. After an incredible night together, we were inseparable for months. Id never been happier in a relationshipneither had he. We were just starting to build a life together when everything changed... Turns out Wes was hiding things from mebig things. I wanted to work through it, but he walked out, never giving menever giving us a chance. I didnt know how Id be able to get over him, but I threw myself into my art. After months of working nonstop to escape the memories of Wes, my careers finally taking off and what do you knowWes walked back into my life. Once again on Valentines Day. One year to the day that we met. Ive spent six months hardening my heart. It should be easy to reject him, to tell him Ive moved on. But hes doing everythingand moreto win me back. Hes being the boyfriend Ive always wanted. Itll take everything in me to resist himIm not even sure if I can. But Ill sure as hell try.

If You Never Come Back (English Edition)

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